Portfolios and PartnershipsYou specify how the return on your investment is determined. Options include: Percentage of Investment (% Investment)This option returns an annual percentage of your cumulative equity. If you only add equity to property in the first year, that amount is used to determine your distributions for later years. Percentage Adjusted Investment (% Adjusted Investment)This option returns a certain percentage of your adjusted equity. The adjusted equity is the cumulative equity minus the sum of any distributions that are defined to reduce equity. If adjusted equity is negative, you will not receive a distribution. Percentage of Cash Remaining (% Cash Remaining)This option returns a certain percentage of the cash available for distribution Amount per YearThis option returns a fixed amount of money from cash flow Return InvestmentWhen you select this option a monthly percentage of cash flow is used to distribute the total equity you invested in a property. Cash flow will be decreased by a specified percentage until the investment is fully distributed back to you. Percentage of Prior Equity (% Prior Equity)This option returns a percentage of the equity distributions partners at the same level as you receive. |